Hiit Cardio

HIIT Cardio

A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class that will focus on improving your cardiovascular fitness and burning the maximum number of calories in the shortest amount of time. Your instructor will motivate you through a variety of bodyweight exercises, providing you with the perfect combination of encouragement and intensity to push yourself to a great workout.


HIIT Express

This class is 30 minutes of total body, heart pumping, aerobic and strength conditioning. Get in, get strong, get on with your day. HIIT combines targeted strength training for all muscle groups with explosive cardio bursts to build your fat-burning capacity long after class ends. This class is taught in stations and will tone your entire body, improve your endurance and leave you feeling longer and stronger than you thought possible! .

HIIT exercises are designed to bring your body to a maximum stress level in a short time so that the body can use this intensity to burn even more calories and at the same time cope with physical difficulties. The key of this process is not the level of the exercise intensity, but the recovery process. If you try to maintain such maximum intensity throughout the whole workout, your body will burn out because of the extreme challenge.